I am just fed up with questions like, “what do you do a whole day while you are not working?” “What do you do to pass your time at home?” “You must not have any work” After being asked this question, again and again, I asked this question to myself and tried to sort out my whole day’s routine and I tried to figure out what is called work exactly. (Is work is something which earns you money). I tracked the time taken by me in each task I do. I am not a hard-working homemaker, I just like my house clean and stomach full and things ready before me and my husband need them. I am not an extraordinarily strong woman, I work until I feel the energy and do not mind to take a break or watch Netflix or talk to the family. This article is not the one with a feminist motive but as these are mostly women who keep things clean, and ready for the family. I tried to figure out my day at home, it is not hectic I would say but as to your curiosity I am not sitting on the couch, munching snacks and just binging on some movies. Even when I am alone, I need clean clothes, a clean house, and food.