Health & Fitness

How to plan meals

By on October 24, 2019

If you enjoy cooking for your family and love to shop for groceries. Being a homemaker is the hardest job ever, I want to tell all the mothers and wives out there who spend their time in making their family member’s life convenient and healthy. Juggling with so many things every day from cleaning, laundry, shopping to cooking, dishes, organizing a home is a neverending job. The one who cooks has other people’s health in their hands. So, let us make it more organized and planned. If you do not yet know the benefits of meal planning, have a look at my previous blog here. You will save more money and time with meal planning. It is not hard at all. You just have to follow three simple steps.

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Health & Fitness

Why you should start planning your meals?

By on October 18, 2019

Meal planning is very important it is like solving every family’s question about “what’s for tonight?”. When you plan you are more organized, the time and tension you take every day to think about what should I make for dinner or lunch. We want to eat healthily but when we cook without thinking we usually end up eating convenient and unhealthy and monotonous diets. We see so many healthy and tasty recipes online, and we never make them in reality or forget them, you can always bookmark those recipes and consider them while planning meals. If you want to change your life, you really have to change your ways.

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Health & Fitness

6 Important Facts About Stroke Everyone Should Know

By on April 11, 2018

important facts about stroke

By Dr Charles-Davies OA of 25 Doctors

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the word ‘stroke’ before.

It is a very popular disease that is talked about very frequently by healthcare professionals or on T.V.

It is not rare to hear that a popular celebrity or politician had suffered a stroke.

Despite how popular the term is, a lot of people don’t really understand what it means, who it affects or how it is treated. What is commonly known about it is that it can lead to death and major disability.

In this post, we will be discussing 5 important things you should know about this disease to help you understand it better.

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Health & Fitness

5 Pre-workout routines to improve performance

By on March 14, 2018


pre workout routines

Whether you are an athlete or a beginner who has just started hitting the gym, getting done with some pre-workout rituals are as important to you as working out itself. What you follow before and after your workout is also an important factor which is going to decide your results. You can meet better results with the same workout if you follow some simple gym rituals. There are few factors which help you progress.

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Health & Fitness | Life

10 habits to improve your life

By on April 25, 2017

A better life is not achieved just by thinking, it gradually becomes better with better choices and habits in your routine, which may seem very small now but will add great quality to your mental and physical health. You can add these habits each at a time, that way it would be easier for you to adopt them in your life.

Switching to good habits can bring you healthy and happier life as achieving either happiness or good health both are an inside job, thus it needs a healthy body and mind, which can only happen with your small efforts towards your own well-being. I am sharing few ways to do it.



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