
What 2020 has taught me so far | Yogita

By on June 19, 2020

The year 2020 has been an adventurous roller coaster ride, which is mostly a downturn ride, I wish this time passes soon and waiting for better days. Every day I wake up to hear some good/positive news to feel a little better. Surprisingly, I never imagined phasing these low times this good. Holding up and trying not to give up soon. It is a difficult time which teaches us to be prepared for unexpected, It is like hope for the best but prepares for the worst. I am going to share a few things I have learned this year so far.

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Health & Fitness | Life

What keeps Japanese people healthy

By on November 18, 2019

It will be almost a year since I moved to the land of the rising Sun, (Japan) with my husband, I am always curious about the culture, thinking, habits and vision of the people. I have seen and met people and have observed them. I find it very fascinating what makes people who they are and how they live. There are many things I would like to share about Japan. I will start with their health and what are the things that keep them so fit. Japanese people are considered fittest in the World and they live longer than the rest of the world, and I cannot agree more with it. There are some thing s I started to believe once I saw with my eyes

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Reflecting positivity

By on October 30, 2017

Appearances are everything these days.mirrors are reflections of our thoughts

Everyone is obsessed with making life look like perfect. Proving the trip enjoyable on Instagram is more important than the trip itself. Girls buy dresses more for the facebook profile than the actual occasion. People spend time in following the life of celebrities more than their own. We have created a perfect looking virtual life and have escaped from reality. The truth is: it has created voids in our life. Space, which we try to fill with stuff.

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Finding purpose and passion in life

By on May 26, 2017

Do you feel you have no passion? Do you feel you don’t have goals and dreams? You can’t find out what you want to do for rest of your life?


Before finding the passion you must know what it exactly is, it is not your hobby, not something you love to do at a moderate level, It is something you have obsessed just a level before the craziness.

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