Health & Fitness

5 Pre-workout routines to improve performance

By on March 14, 2018


pre workout routines

Whether you are an athlete or a beginner who has just started hitting the gym, getting done with some pre-workout rituals are as important to you as working out itself. What you follow before and after your workout is also an important factor which is going to decide your results. You can meet better results with the same workout if you follow some simple gym rituals. There are few factors which help you progress.

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Health & Fitness

How to get rid of excess face fat

By on July 5, 2017

Hello Friends, If heavy cheeks and double chin are what bothering you and make you look fat? Do you have a saggy face? Do you want a well-sculpted face which highlights your facial features like nose and chin? Although you look cute :), Know in case you want to lift them up.

Our body has so many muscles and we work out them to lose body fat, similarly, our face has dozens of muscles and we lose face fat when we workout them. I am sharing few simple expressions that might help you to get that sculpted look. Strengthening muscles directly means losing fat. 😉

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